sunnuntai 29. huhtikuuta 2018

Saturday Shopping Spree

There is a truly surprising shop/supermarket (Saaristokauppa Svens) in the middle of a forest in southern Kaskinen.  The building looks nothing much, but once you open the door you get really amazed.  You never know what you are going to find. There's hardware, like tools, paint and various wood products for building. Then there are gadgets you might need at home, rubber boots, home decoration items and even clothes. Outside you will find garden stuff.  And to complete the mixture, there's an old bus parked outside, which has seen its best days as a mobile store delivering groceries to people living in the countryside far away from shops.  The bus is not in driving condition, but the fridges still function, so they sell some foodstuff there as well. They just put an ad when they get some Baltic herring and by the time I'm free from work it's already been sold out.  In the summer there's potatoes, tomatoes etc.  Even beer!

The violas above come from Svens' selection. They look quite nice in the old wheel that I found behind my outbuilding. I had seen a photo in Pinterest with herbs in a cartwheel, but this paricular wheel had been painted with some poisonous-looking green stuff, probably in the 1970's, judging by the shade of the colour. As there are still bound to be nights with temperatures below zero, half the wheel still needs to be filled later.  Not that many flowers survive minus degrees.

My Mom's youngest sister Vuokko runs an art gallery some two houses away from my house on the opposite side of the street.  She had just opened a new exhibition of flower arrangements. Vuokko is a textile artist by profession and used to work as a designer with a textile company in Helsinki.  She moved to Kaskinen fourteen years ago, a year after my parents, and running the gallery is a both a hobby and a passion for her.  Apart from the flower theme, there were Raija Tikkanen's ceramics on display.  I really like Raija's usage of colours and her fun ideas. Vuokko also sells postcards, some books, old and new, as well as some jewellery, so in case you need to buy a present, you can always go and check what there is at Vuokko's!  I visited the gallery yesterday to talk about how and when I could help her with the gallery now that Mom moved away.  But we ended up drinking coffee and talking about a lot of other things instead.  LOL.

This is how the old fish smokery looks like today.  Marja and Seppo had started selling their smoked salmon and other fish products at eleven.  I went there at 12.30. and there was hardly anything left.  I bought some fish pies and a piece of salmon.  Delicious!  But there was more: free coffee and cake (Made by Roos)!!!  People were actually sitting on the new deck enjoying their coffee and cake.  And the sun, of course. Pretty chilly, though, as the wind from the sea was freezing cold...There's still snow in places on our island!

I walked my dog Mollie in the old fish harbour.  She's not in great shape at the moment as she has problems with her joints.  We have seen two vets, bought four antibiotics.  Nothing has worked so far. But there she walked happily smelling all kinds of interesting smells and tried to rub herself in a plastic bag full of dog shit.  So I guess she's improving.  I really do hope so, as she is a lovely character, and only two years old.  She also liked the smoked salmon a lot, but I didn't give her too much because of the salt.

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