torstai 19. huhtikuuta 2018

Yesterday's news

Kaskinen used to be a fishing town.  We still have the area of the old fishing harbour roughly as it was in olden times.  Today, old local families own the cute little huts along the shore. These are mainly used for storage or recreation, but there are some activities connected to the old purpose of the place.  Nets are being dried in the sun, fish is smoked.  There is also a fishing museum with plenty of different types of old fishing equipment as well as some old photos of the harbour and people who used to work there.  Once a summer there is an event that can be translated as Fishing Harbour Days. Anyone who is dressed like in the old days is allowed to come and sell products that fit the spirit of the event, like various crafts, food etc.

Last weekend's Ilta-Sanomat, probably the most popular national tabloid in our country, published a two-page feel-good story about two lovely people who run the fish smokery in the area today.  Their products are excellent but that's not the only thing.  They have landscaped the entrance and done some major repairs in the building.  They have also rebuilt the huge dock in front of the smokery. Such a lot of work but a great result!

These days, the fish  shop is very different from what it was like during the previous owner, Keijo, whose fish was delicious, too. It was nice to go there as he always seemed to be in a good mood.  The shop was dark and smelly and what my children liked best was the singing crab on the counter.  I think everybody in town was sorry when he passed away and left the smokery empty.

Fortunately, Marja and Seppo had by that time bought an old shopping centre in the main street and were repairing it.  They bought the smokery as well and have done an amazing job modernising the building and its surroundings.  Seppo has learnt to smoke fish and Marja bakes fish delicacies.  The shop is cosy and clean. But the place is now open about once a month only, so you will have to get there early to be in time to get your fish or fish pies!!!

The story about Marja and Seppo attracted a lot of attention among town dwellers, and, in consequence, the local shop run out of Ilta-Sanomat.  I had to drive to the neighbouring town to get a copy for myself and my aunt, too.  Later I borrowed my copy to a friend.  The crying need for the papers was finally solved by a friendly soul who took her paper to the local library for those to read who had been left out.  Again I would like to point out how friendly people are in this town.  Good at problem-solving, too!

I took the photo (above) of a drawing in an exhibition of our art club Marina in Spectra art house in Kristiinankaupunki. It is by Harri Karvonen, who had a series of four drawings of the harbour area nicely set up in one wall of Spectra house. I liked them a lot.  The chairman of Spectra art club was amazed at how many active and talented artists there are in such a small town as Kaskinen.  I'm not amazed.  Once something good gets started, it tends to grow.  And there have always been artists of various kinds in this town.

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