sunnuntai 8. huhtikuuta 2018

The Spirit of Kaskinen

Still not well having coughed my lungs out all night I needed more sick leave. Phoned the local health centre and got an appointment for 10.30.  Super.  The centre is located just two blocks away. Easy.  Politicians seem to think big is beautiful when it comes to health services, but I think small units can bring the idea of being customer-friendly to a whole new level.

But the true spirit of the town hit me with full force via Facebook when I was having my first cup of tea in the morning.  There was an ad on Kaskinen Notice Board (Kaskisten ilmoitustaulu if you want to look it up) for free cakes!!!First come first served. So you could just go and get a cake!!  And they were not just any cakes, but magnificent, really beautifully decorated ones with chocolate leaves, blueberries, roses and stuff.  Mind you, you needed to take your own cake box with! Not too much to ask, really...  The cakes were leftovers from an advertising event of my my friends' company Made by Roos.  A lot of happy families having a treat this morning!

It is typical of this town to have some really nice events.  Some visitors claim this looks like an empty town with few people in the streets.  True, no heavy traffic, no queuing, no rush.  Still there's always something going on, activities to take part in, excursions organised.  One year there were as many as eight Pop Up cafes and restaurants on the International Restaurant Day, our Cafe Hilda one of them. (Pictures above.)

I said I was having a cup of tea.  Normally I drink coffee in the morning, lots of it, but right now with my heart-beat over a hundred per minute I can't stand the idea of coffee.  So porridge and tea it is.

Bye for now!

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