torstai 3. toukokuuta 2018

The 1st of May in a Doggy Way

I was pretty keen to participate the new Kaskinen event, cycling around the town on Labour Day, but alas, that did not happen.  Maybe next year?  The reason for this was the problems with my dog Mollie, a two-year-old rescue from Bulgaria.  She was just a puppy when she was found on her own by the roadside. I took her to the vet, got all treatments, vaccinations, a passport etc for her, and she has been a great companion for me, especially now as my children have moved out.  In perfect health, too.

Two months ago she started limping one leg, then another.  Started losing weight, was tired most of the time, didn't eat or drink like she used to.  Was taken to two vets in our area, given 4 courses of antibiotics, several kinds of painkillers, all that with no permanent effect.  She finally got an appointment in a vet clinic in Vaasa, where they took some instant lab tests plus some to be sent elsewhere to be checked by the end of the week.

Labs taken, the vet returned, totally horrified. The results showed severe lack of white blood cells.  He said he hadn't seen such low number ever before.  In case we wanted to keep her, we would need to take her to a veterinary hospital in Hattula, southern Finland. (Also, the vet was not too pleased about his colleagues prescribing antibiotics with no attempt to check the cause of the illness...)

So off we went, and  after four hours of driving arrived in Evidensia Hattula.  She was taken more tests.  At that point her temperature was 40,2 and CRP dangerously high.  The results, however, didn't give any clue as to what the cause of the problem was. The treatment was started with two different antibiotics directly into the vains,  plus hydration, painkillers and finally plasma.

As she had to stay hospitalized, we booked a hotel in Hämeenlinna.  A horrendous night.  Drunken celebration of the first of May going on in the pedestrian street while we were trying to get some sleep.  I stuffed my ears with  plugs and managed to sleep a bit, even though the room was right above a night club.  My daughter didn't sleep at all, which was just as well, as the fire alarm went on at 3.30. and everybody had to leave their room and go and stand outside in the rain and wait for the fire fighters to come and check the reason for the alarm.  Which was the smoke machine in the night club.  Never again to that hotel!  Maybe not even to the same town?

After two nights Mollie was ready to be treated at home and we left with a bag full of medication.  No temperature, lower CRP, blood cells OK.  (Farewell to about one month's net salary.)  I really hope she will be fine, as she has been a great companion for me after my children moved out.  Kept me somewhat fit, too, as she is a very active dog.

Mollie will stay with my daughter in Vaasa until the next check-up.  As for me, tired but happy to be back home in Kaskinen!

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