keskiviikko 11. huhtikuuta 2018

In the Bedroom

Most pieces of  furniture in the house go a long way back with me.  And boy have they moved!!! Some have stuck with me the latest ten moves. Of course I always tend to hope the current home to be the last and final, but so far no luck!

As always, my interior design strategy has been to get started with one room by picking one or two items that are bound to be placed there, then rummage through the remaining ones in order to try and find some that I believe to go together with the first ones.  And so, step by step, room by room I have used the existing stock. Mind you, there are some left-overs, which I plan to put for sale in the garage.  So it's going to be Cafe Olivia + garage sale on Saturday the 19th of May.

Unfortunately not all the pieces of furniture are quite perfect yet for inviting people to pop in.  For example I had totally forgotten there was a loose part in my precious inheritance, a wooden sofa I had left to be stored elsewhere.  So, having just and just managed to fit the sofa on our tiny trailer, I happily drove home, only to find out that the piece that had always been loose since my childhood had flown somewhere along my route of some 45 km.  Mom said:' Go and find it', but for once, I didn't obey.

Filling all the rooms went surprisingly well, really, and we now have more than enough of pieces in each of the rooms. I deliberately left my own bedroom last to see which particular items would be left over from the other rooms.  But no worries, there is a bed, a desk, a cupboard, kind of, two chairs and some paintings I like a lot, made by my grandfather and his brother, both teachers by profession, yet artists in heart.

The painting my children have particularly despised looks very nice on the wall of my room.  It was only recently I learnt  why one of my daughters had hated the painting so much that I had had to hide it behind a wall in our home when she was young.  It was not because she was ashamed of the group of naked ladies in the painting, a scene probably based on our national epos, Kalevala.  Instead, my daughter had thought the ladies to be in the process  of committing some creepy group suicide by a method of suffocating themselves with some kind of plastic substance coming out of the ground. Well, see for yourselves and decide!

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