keskiviikko 25. huhtikuuta 2018

Sun, swans and some gardening

As planned, we planted some seeds and plants last weekend.  The April weather immediately gets better when the sun appears, which is not so often...  Most of the time it is like in the North Pole!

Yesterday I went to the southermost tip of Kaskinen (Lipinnokka/Ådskär) to check if the annual gathering of swans was still going on. It wasn't. Last year we counted as many as some 40 of them.  Mind you, they didn't much like us and the dogs coming close and got rather angry.  Last weekend we only saw 16.  Didn't go too near, no need to upset the beasts. 

Appearantly swans have a meeting in spring to see who are still there, to find a partner and to decide about which area each couple will land to build there nests.  Either we arrived when the meeting was partly over or a lot of the swans residing in Kaskinen area have met their destiny during the winter months. Hoping for the first, of course.  Swans may be protective of their area and even agressive when they feel threatened.  Still, they look lovely and majestic and bring some hope of spring coming up to the north.

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